Mastering State Management in React: App State vs Component State Explained

October 16, 2024

Imagine you’re playing a video game. You know how your character has health points, experience levels, and maybe even how many coins they’ve collected? All of that information needs to be stored somewhere so the game can keep track of it. In a React app, state is like your character’s stats in a game—it keeps track of important information while the app runs.

In this guide, we’ll break down state management in React, compare app state to component state, and show you how to manage both. Ready? Let’s jump in!

What is State in React?

In React, state is like the memory of your app. It keeps track of things that can change, like what a user has typed into a form or which items are in their shopping cart. Without state, your app wouldn’t be able to remember anything between actions, like when a user moves from one page to another.

There are two main types of state:

  1. Component State: This is like your room in a house. It’s private and only affects the stuff inside your room (or in this case, the component).
  2. App State: This is like the living room that everyone shares. It affects the entire house (or app) and everyone can see it and interact with it.

Let’s break them down further.

Component State vs App State

Component State

Component state is specific to just one part of your app, like a button or a form. Imagine you have a game where only the player’s health is tracked inside a specific room (component). Every time they get hurt or heal, only the health inside that room changes, but the rest of the game doesn’t care. That’s component state!

Here’s a simple example:

function Counter() {
  const [count, setCount] = React.useState(0);

  return (
      <p>You clicked {count} times</p>
      <button onClick={()=> setCount(count + 1)}>
        Click me

In this example, count is the component state. It only affects the Counter component, and no other part of the app knows or cares about this count.

App State

Now, let’s say you’re building a multiplayer game where everyone can see each other’s scores. You need to track the scores across the entire game, not just inside one player’s room. That’s where app state comes in. App state is shared between multiple components, like a scoreboard that all players can see.

Here’s an example using app state:

import { createContext, useContext, useState } from 'react';

const AppStateContext = createContext();

function AppStateProvider({ children }) {
  const [score, setScore] = useState(0);
  return (
    <AppStateContext.Provider value={{ score, setScore }}>

function PlayerScore() {
  const { score } = useContext(AppStateContext);
  return <p>Current Score: {score}</p>;

function Game() {
  const { setScore } = useContext(AppStateContext);
  return (
    <button onClick={()=> setScore(prev=> prev + 10)}>
      Increase Score

function App() {
  return (
      <PlayerScore />
      <Game />

In this example, the AppStateProvider manages the app state (score) and shares it across the entire app. Both PlayerScore and Game can read or update the score, meaning it’s global to the app.

Common Mistakes in State Management


Sometimes, when you update the state, React re-renders too many components unnecessarily. This is like refreshing every room in the house just because you changed the picture in one room. Oops! This can make your app slow.

To avoid this, only update the state in components that need to change. For example, if only one room (component) needs to update, don’t make the whole house (app) refresh!

Storing Too Much in App State

It’s tempting to store everything in app state so every component can access it, but this can be inefficient. Think of it like keeping all your personal items in the living room instead of your bedroom. It gets crowded! Only store what multiple components need to access in the app state, and keep the rest in the component state.

Optimizing State for Large Apps

In a big app, managing state can get tricky. Imagine trying to remember the health, inventory, and scores for 100 players in your game. If you’re not careful, your app can slow down, and it becomes harder to keep track of everything.

Best Practices

  1. Use Context Wisely: The React Context API is great for sharing app state, but don’t overuse it. Only share what’s necessary.
  2. Use State Management Libraries: For really big apps, tools like Redux or MobX can help. They act like giant filing cabinets for your app’s state, making it easier to manage lots of information.
  3. Break State into Smaller Pieces: Just like it’s easier to manage a few small boxes than one giant one, break your state into smaller, focused pieces. This keeps your app running smoothly.


Managing state is like keeping track of all the important details in a game—what level you’re on, how many points you’ve scored, and what items you’ve collected. Component state is perfect for keeping track of things in small, isolated parts of your app, while app state is for sharing information that affects the entire app.

By using the right type of state and following best practices, you can keep your React apps organized, efficient, and ready for anything! Now go ahead and give it a try—whether it’s building a simple counter or managing a complex game score, mastering state in React will help you level up as a developer!

Happy coding!