A Complete Guide to React useEffect vs useLayoutEffect for Beginners

October 23, 2024

When building React applications, hooks like useEffect and useLayoutEffect are essential tools for managing side effects, but understanding when and how to use them can be tricky. In this beginner-friendly guide, we’ll break down the key differences between these two hooks, when you should use them, and how to avoid common mistakes.

Introduction: Understanding the Role of Effects in React

Imagine you're decorating your house. First, you might want to arrange the furniture (the layout), and after that, you could add some decorations (the effects). In React, effects are like those decorations—they allow you to perform actions after your component has rendered, like fetching data or setting up event listeners.

React offers two main hooks for managing side effects: useEffect and useLayoutEffect. Both serve important roles, but they have different behaviors depending on when and how they run.

What is useEffect?

The Default Hook for Handling Side Effects

Let’s start with useEffect, which is the most commonly used hook for side effects in React. This hook runs after the component has rendered, making it perfect for actions like fetching data from an API, updating the DOM, or setting up subscriptions.


import { useEffect, useState } from 'react';

function MyComponent() {
  const [data, setData] = useState(null);

  useEffect(() => {
      .then(response => response.json())
      .then(data => setData(data));
  }, []); // Empty array means this effect runs once when the component mounts

  return <div>{data ? data.name : 'Loading...'}</div>;

In this example, useEffect is used to fetch data after the component renders. This is great for actions that don’t affect the initial layout of your component.

What is useLayoutEffect?

When You Need a Layout Effect

On the other hand, useLayoutEffect is a more specialized hook. It runs synchronously after the DOM has been updated but before the browser has painted the screen. This means that useLayoutEffect can block visual updates until the effect has finished running, making it ideal for tasks that need to happen before the user sees the changes—like measuring the layout or synchronizing animations.


import { useLayoutEffect, useRef } from 'react';

function LayoutComponent() {
  const ref = useRef();

  useLayoutEffect(() => {
    const height = ref.current.offsetHeight;
    console.log('Element height:', height);
    // This runs before the browser paints the screen

  return <div ref={ref}>Hello, world!</div>;

In this example, useLayoutEffect is used to measure the height of a DOM element right after it’s been rendered but before the browser updates the screen. This makes it more precise for tasks that need to work with the layout directly.

Differences and Best Practices

How to Choose Between Them

At first glance, useEffect and useLayoutEffect seem similar, but their timing and use cases differ significantly. Here’s a quick breakdown of when to use each:

  • useEffect: Use this for most side effects, especially those that don’t directly affect the layout, like fetching data, setting up event listeners, or updating states.

  • useLayoutEffect: Use this when you need to measure or manipulate the DOM before the browser paints the screen. It’s crucial for layout-related tasks, like calculating element dimensions or synchronizing animations.

Best Practices:

  • Performance: useLayoutEffect blocks rendering until it finishes, which can hurt performance if overused. Stick to useEffect unless you specifically need to work with the DOM before the paint.
  • Readability: Since useEffect is more commonly used and less intrusive, using it makes your code easier to understand for most developers.

Common Pitfalls to Avoid

Misusing Effects in Complex Apps

  1. Triggering Too Many Re-Renders: Be careful not to set state within an effect without proper dependencies. This can cause your component to re-render unnecessarily, creating a loop.

    Example of a mistake:

    useEffect(() => {
      setCount(count + 1); // This could cause an infinite loop
    }, [count]); // `count` is a dependency, causing re-renders

    Solution: Only update state when needed and use the correct dependencies in the dependency array.

  2. Not Cleaning Up Effects: If your effect sets up something like an event listener or a timer, make sure you clean it up properly when the component unmounts.


    useEffect(() => {
      const handleResize = () => console.log('Window resized');
      window.addEventListener('resize', handleResize);
      return () => window.removeEventListener('resize', handleResize); // Clean-up function
    }, []); // Empty dependency array means this runs only on mount/unmount

Conclusion: Building Better React Apps with Proper Effect Management

Choosing between useEffect and useLayoutEffect can seem confusing at first, but with a clear understanding of how and when they run, you can optimize your React components for better performance and readability.

useEffect is your go-to hook for most side effects, running after the render and leaving the browser free to update the screen as needed. useLayoutEffect, however, should be reserved for layout-related updates that need to happen before the user sees the screen.

By managing your effects wisely, you’ll avoid common pitfalls like unnecessary re-renders or layout glitches, ensuring your React apps are fast, efficient, and easy to maintain.

Ready to improve your React skills? Try using useEffect and useLayoutEffect in your next project to see how they can enhance your app’s performance.

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